Brian and I got a Crash Course in Teething since last Sunday!
You don't know how your child will react to teething until it happens...
Last Sunday (4/10), Julianna mysteriously had a bottom tooth pop through with no warning. There it was, clear as day while I was feeding her breakfast on that fine morning. She was smiling. We were smiling. Life was dandy. And the best part was - No pain!!
Then she started coughing really bad... like a raspy congested evil cough. We had to bring her to the doctor the following Monday morning. I won't go into that since I mentioned it last week. Well the doctor points out "
Oh she has TWO teeth" -
WHAT? Two? She only had 1 yesterday! The 2nd tooth popped through at some point since Sunday night and Monday afternoon. Again, other than being cranky from being sick, we had no warning.
This was going to be a piece of cake right?! 2 teeth... no warning.... no problem!
We did have to give her Tylenol for her fever from her cold & asthma ... so perhaps the Tylenol helped mask any pain from the teeth.
The doctor also said, "
Oh... she has FOUR teeth coming down on top - and going to poke through any day now" -
WHAT? Four more? Is this kid a freak of nature or what?!
So as the week went on, she was cranky and hurting between her cold and the 3rd tooth (eye tooth!) popping through up on the top. These suckers aren't wasting any time are they?
Then last Friday or Thursday, a 4th tooth started making it's way through. It was just below the skin. It looked sooo painful!
Saturday was a bad day for poor little Jules. She was miserable. Tylenol wasn't helping. She just needed to be comforted and held. And talk about clingy! She did not want to leave our arms all day! She just whined and moaned and cried all day. She wouldn't let us near her mouth either. We tried to get some Humphrey's and orajel in there. We had to sit on her to get it in her mouth. Not fun. She was just hurting so much for a few days total. Poor baby.
Julianna wouldn't chew on a teether, cold washcloth, teething biscuit... nothing. She chewed on her hand. Whatever makes you happy my child! She had ZERO appetite, which I have to tell you I was so freaked out. She wouldn't touch any solids... and took half her formula. It was freaking me out. She was starting to go back to normal around Tuesday. Phewww!
Finally on Sunday night... we turned the corner. By this past Monday, she was the closest to normal we had seen in a week. She was getting her appetite back too. By Tuesday, she was about 95% back to normal. I guess it was so bad because of so many teeth coming through at once.
I am so happy there is no more pain for my little baby. But I know that 5th tooth is going to wreak havoc any
day minute now... and oh yeh, the 6th one too. For now, we will enjoy the happy child with her new teethies!